homelabquotes.com respects your privacy.

tldr: we use cookies, and data is only stored as as long as it is required for.

If you have any privacy questions, we can be reached by email at [email protected].

We use many common internet technologies, including cookies and web server logs.

When you use certain parts of our site, we may record your IP address, such as when you submit a quote.
This information is only retained as necessary for abuse prevention.
For example, all IP address information associated with a quote submission is deleted once this quote has been accepted.

IP address information in server logs is automatically deleted after a maximum of 9 months.

If you choose to make an account on homelabquotes, you can log in with discord.
This is subject to Discord's Privacy Policy.

If you choose to log in with Discord, we automatically receive and store your Discord account's user ID and name.
This information is used to personalize your experience, such as welcoming you by your name.
We do not receive, collect, or store user email addresses.

Cookies are used to improve your experience, such as remembering your session if you choose to log in.

We do not sell or share your information.
